2020-10-13 Drive from GA,Atl to TN,Copperhill is about 100 miles and takes about 2 hours.

It was a beautiful, fall day and the drove was outstanding. As I drove to higher elevation, I could see the leaves of the trees change color. It took a couple of hours to arrive and I stopped at a WalMart on the way to get some provisions. It was just great to be camping again. When looking at the weather forecast, we noticed that a 'cold front' would be arriving in the area on Friday night. I don't like cold weather but decided to try and "brave it". The group that I camped with has many people that I have previously seen at this time-of-year and place. It was great to see everyone again and to 'hang-out'. Basically, I started reading a book and sat in the sun, seeking the warmth that it has in the mid-day. Our most-gracious host knows a local woodsman who brings us firewood and he called and asked for a delivery. It was very convenient to have it delivered to the campsite. One of our members sings and had brought a baritone ukelele. We had a wonderful time listening to her songs and chatting.
A friend in the group had a camper-wreck a little over a year ago. Someone ran into the back of the camper, it rolled over completely and destroyed it. Fortunately, our friend was able to salvage a few items. Last winter, when everyone was required to stay-at-home, he built a homemade camper on the bed of a Toyota 4x4 truck he already owned. Everyone at the campout really admired the work and layout of our friends new outfit. I've included several pictures. A special thanks to Don for gathering and cooking the mushrooms that he found for us. For some reason, I missed posting the picture of them with the potato soup. Sorry about that.
I had a GREAT time and really enjoyed the companionship and food of the outing. I left on Saturday morning after surviving the cold Friday night.
Note: I have a propane space-heater and had not used it in a while because I had been able to avoid cold weather. Some of the other campers helped me 'test' it on Friday and it worked fine. I was able to heat the van on Saturday morning. (But, I did NOT leave it on while sleeping.)
Second note: On the return drive to Atlanta, many people were driving to the Ellijay/Blue Ridge area to enjoy the fall leaves and events.
OK, I HAVE to 'do-it' = Third note: This group began as a Yahoo.Groups email-list. Yahoo has announced that it is discontinuing the Groups feature in December.
To see information about a picture, place the mouse cursor in the middle of the picture. (I have also put a description of the pictures here: (1)Snail on Rock, (2-3) Cooking Smoker, (4) Dinner, (5) Smoked Chicken, (6) Cuz Dick, (7) Campfire, (8-13) Homemade Camper, (14) Delivering Firewood, (15) Singing, (16) Breakfast(Scrambled Eggs in Frypan)





















Group Around Campfire













As always, any comments that you have about the website would be appreciated.

Blog-Note 1: Because the pictures take a long time to load, it is best to view these webpages using a desktop.)

Blog-Note 2: http://PuddinInVannaWhite.wordpress.com is the 'original' website of this blog. This blog has a domain name without the .wordpress. middle name. see website=PuddinInVannaWhite.wordpress.com for older trips ---)))LEFT MOUSE CLICK HERE"(((---

Blog-Note 3: I have another website. It is about my 1971 MGB. I sold it but still retain great memories from the days that I owned it. The url address is : see website=PuddinInThe MGB.wordpress.com ---)))LEFT MOUSE CLICK HERE"(((--- )