2023-08-25_to_2023-08-27 GA Canton, Red Top Mountain Camping

The distance was 40 miles (45 minutes) according to Google Maps. Our time to meet at the campsite was 3pm.

This was my first time camping with my 'new' friends - but, everyone was wonderful and I think that we all had a great time. The idea was that a group of us gather and camp and rent a boat on Saturday. After arrival, I found out that the boat rental was for 4 hours and the reservation was for 8:30AM. Each person was responsible for providing their own food. I only took items which did not require cooking. I basically took boiled eggs, and items from the refrigerator which needed to be eaten. I freeze a plastic container of water and put it in the cooler with the food. The plastic container is smaller than a milk-carton gallon and the ice usually lasts a couple of days. Since it was so HOT, my cooler only lasted one day, but that was enough for me to consume the food that I brought. I did not take any pictures of the food that I ate on this trip.

On my drive to the lake, I decided to travel north on Highway 41 which is parallel to Interstate 75 because I wanted to see how much it has changed over the years. I don't go in that area much. My GPS priority is set to 'fastest route' and I should have changed it. (Or paid more attention to Google Maps when I looked up the route that I wanted to drive.) At any rate, I made several wrong turns and got lost because the area had changed so much, I didn't recognize any previous landmarks. Anyway, it was a HOT day and maybe not the best time to explore and deal with wrong turns. After not making the original turn off and exploring Smyrna, I didn't find Highway 41 as expected, so I followed the GPS to I75N and drove a few miles. Traffic backed up near Kennesaw and I decided to get off and look again for the route that I wanted to drive. After several more wrong turns and questioning if I should return to I75N, I did find my way and leisurely drove north looking at many new things. I was the second to arrive at the campsite. (Also, after making several wrong turns. Maybe the scenic route that I drove to the campground prepared me for finding the campsite.)

Life always has surprises. On this trip, my battery went dead. OH NO! I had bought a new AM/FM radio a few days before my trip. The old radio didn't have many features and was 14 years old. I went to a radio shop, bought a new radio and they installed it. On the trip, after the battery died, I charged an external battery that came in a kit from Pilot gas-stations. It has ends to connect to car battery terminals and after charging it, I let it stay on the terminals for a while and the external battery charged the van battery back to a state where I was able to crank it and leave on Sunday. On Monday morning, I called a mechanic (who had a good review with wiring problems) and took it there. During the diagnosis, he opened the fuse box under the hood. I had not seen it open before and took a picture. Further diagnosis included that the radio installation was new. He asked me to wait in the office while he looked at the wires. He found a wire that wasn't the right one attached to something and I don't know enough about the harness, but I did hear the word 'ground'. Also, I heard that he fixed it and he was confident in his repair. I was thankful for his excellent work and returned home around lunch.
























As always, any comments that you have about the website would be appreciated.

Blog-Note 1: Because the pictures take a long time to load, it is best to view these webpages using a desktop.)

Blog-Note 2: http://PuddinInVannaWhite.wordpress.com is the 'original' website of this blog. This blog has a domain name without the .wordpress. middle name. see website=PuddinInVannaWhite.wordpress.com for older trips ---)))LEFT MOUSE CLICK HERE"(((---

Blog-Note 3: I have another website. It is about my 1971 MGB. I sold it but still retain great memories from the days that I owned it. The url address is : see website=PuddinInThe MGB.wordpress.com ---)))LEFT MOUSE CLICK HERE"(((--- )