The distance was 660 miles (about 10.5 hours) from Atlanta according to the shortest-distance calculated by GoogleMaps.
Our tour director was Cathy Stokes and she uses Kelly Tours for bus charter. Our bus driver was 'Bob-the-bus-driver'. We had good weather almost every day. We ate OUTSTANDING food at many restaurants. We saw an average of 2 shows a day and I liked every one. The performers were all great.
We stopped at Farmers Family Restaurant and ate lunch from the buffet. Great home-style, southern cooking.
We stayed at a Drury Inn after a long day of travel.
Mel's Hard-Luck Diner had performers who both sang and delivered food. The volume was TOO LOUD for conversation - but, the entertainment was great.
We tasted wine at StJamesWinery
We attended the Haygoods Show. It involved a family who had 5 boys and 1 girl and they perform as a group.
We ate lunch at Lambert's Restaurant - the home of the throwed rolls. Note: they are large - about the size of a softball
We stayed at the same hotel for 3 nights. Breakfast was included in the stay, so we ate in the area prepared and had a good time talking to each other while eating.
A LOT of our trip involved meals and Cathy planned for us to stop at great places. We had lunch at McFarlains which had the entrance inside a mall.
The Clay Cooper show was very entertaining.
The performers had mounted various objects on a chain-link fence and used the result as drums.
The theater had a photographer who took a group photo for us before the show.
The Clay Cooper theater is used by several shows. We saw 2 shows inside - the Clay Cooper show and The Haygoods.
At the Doug Gabriel show, he told us about his father inventing a 'mufftar'. That is, he used a muffler to create a guitar and played a song on it as a demonstration.
I also included a picture of the stage curtain. Notice that the name of the show is displayed in lights, so that if the theater is used by another group, the name can easily be changed.
We went to an attraction called "Butterfly Palace".
We had a student guide step-on the bus. We toured The College of the Ozarks. Students earn-their-tuition there.
We enjoyed dinner-and-a-show on the Branson showboat. We were also supposed to tour the lake, but the wind was too strong for the boat to leave the dock.
The MOST ELABORATE production that we saw was at the Sight-and-Sound Theater. There were 2 side-stages that were obscured by curtains when we entered. They were used when main-stage sets were being changed. In addition, they had many live animals - donkeys, horses. The production was named "Miracle of Christmas" and also involved flying angels. I admit that I 'borrow' pictures from fellow-travelers from Facebook and that this picture was one of them. This theater required that no pictures be taken during the show.
We attended an afternoon show which was named "Six". Six brothers of a family of ten, performed without instruments. They had an enjoyable and unusual show. We saw billboard advertisements of them around Branson.
Before leaving Branson, we stopped at Downton Branson which is only a couple of blocks long. We were told that "Dick's 5 and 10" had been in-business many years and had many unusual items for sale.
We stopped in Mississippi for lunch. A Cracker Barrel meal is always delicious. (I don't remember the name of the nearby town.)
At the Georgia Visitors Center, an attendant showed me an outside plaque dedicated to the war soldiers. I thought that it was very informative and tells the numbers of soldiers from Georgia. I didn't do a very good job of framing the plaque and regret cutting off a little of the bottom.
As always, any comments that you have about the website would be appreciated. Because the pictures take a long time to load, it is best to view these webpages using a desktop.
Blog-Note 1: is the 'original' website of this blog. This blog has a domain name without the .wordpress. middle name. see for older trips ---)))LEFT MOUSE CLICK HERE"(((---
Blog-Note 2: I have another website. It is about my 1971 MGB. I sold it but still retain great memories from the days that I owned it. The url address is : see website=PuddinInThe ---)))LEFT MOUSE CLICK HERE"(((--- )
Blog-Note 3: is the first blog that I created. see it for the first trip after I retired ---)))LEFT MOUSE CLICK HERE"(((---